Sustainable careers are the driving force behind a thriving economy and society. Experts agree on this. But what exactly is a sustainable career? And what can an employer do to encourage sustainable careers?

What is a sustainable career?

A sustainable career implies that an employee can adapt to the changing job market and keep performing in the long run. That way, they help their employer and the government remain competitive in an unpredictable and rapidly changing reality.

Stimulate sustainable careers in your organisation.

1. Create a bond of trust

Mutual trust between the employee and the employer is an excellent basis for developing a long-term cooperation. Allow employees to engage in dialogue with managers, communicate openly and set clear expectations.

2. Provide sufficient opportunities for growth

Employees can only establish sustainable careers when given sufficient opportunities for further training. Because reskilling and upskilling are essential in a constantly changing job market. It is up to the employer to integrate lifelong learning into the organisation. The best way to achieve this is to have a mix of different training options, like workshops, an e-learning platform, comprehensive training courses, etc.

3. Focus on soft skills and AQ

Today, employees need more than just knowledge. Soft skills like leadership and determination are becoming increasingly important at work. As is AQ, which is an employee’s ability to adapt to unforeseen circumstances. So make sure to provide courses in soft skills and train your employees’ AQ. You might ask them to come up with a plan B for a particular problem or ask them to work in a different department for a change. By doing so, they gradually increase their adaptability.

4. Keep work-life balance in mind

Although it may be appealing to have a workforce that is available 24/7, in the long run, this will prove fatal. After all, people need moments of relaxation to remain productive in the workplace for years to come. So promote a healthy work-life balance in your organisation and set a good example by clocking off earlier once in a while or taking a longer lunch break.

5. Healthy employees perform better

People who are in good physical and mental health perform better, especially in the long term. Which is why it is in the organisation’s interest to promote healthy living. You can achieve this by, for example, organising walking meetings, offering healthy meals and providing mental support for those who need it.

Shared responsibility

It is not only the employer’s responsibility to promote sustainable careers. The government too has a role to play by investing in lifelong learning and development opportunities for its citizens, or performing other essential tasks like implementing worker protection legislation, setting up support mechanisms and providing proper healthcare.

And employees themselves can also do their bit. You can read more about it here.